Botswana Civil Service Recruitment - Ministry of Environment , July 2017

The Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism’s overall goal is to develop and implement policies, strategies and programmes to provide leadership and professional guidance on all matters pertaining to the conservation and management of the country’s environment and its natural resources for sustainable development and tourism.


A talented, experienced, proactive, innovative, and self-driven citizen of Botswana is sought to fill the above-mentioned position in the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism – Department of Corporate Services - Gaborone.

Salary Scale: E2 (P348, 348 – P362, 412 per annum)

i. Employment is on contract terms. Upon satisfactory completion of the contract gratuity at the rate of 25% of the total amount of the salary earned for the duration of the contract will be payable.
ii. Optional Medical Aid Scheme with the Botswana Public Officers Medical Aid Scheme (BPOMAS - Government pays 50% and employee pays 50%)

Leave: 30 working days per annum.

Qualifications: Degree in Financial Management, Accounting or equivalent. Masters Degree in Financial Management, Accounting or equivalent will be an added advantage.

Experience: A minimum of twelve (12) years relevant experience, two (2) of which should have been served at D1 salary scale in Botswana Government, or equivalent position and duties in the Private Sector and Parastatal Organisations.

Main Purpose of the Job

To provide leadership in the implementation, management and coordination of Development and Finance functions across the Ministry.

Key Performance Areas
• Initiate and develop long, medium and short-term plans and programmes in Development and Finance.
• Translate long, medium and short-term plans and programmes in Development and Finance into work activities.
• Review Annual Plans and Programmes for the implementation of Development and Finance strategies.
• Coordinate the implementation of Development and Finance provgrammes.
• Contribute in developing sound operational guidelines for the Division and ensure their implementation.
• Manage and review performance of Development and Finance Division.
• Promote communication and sharing of information.
• Consolidate the Division’s budget for incorporation into the Ministry budget.
• Monitor the budget expenditure to ensure appropriate utilisation.
• Assess personal knowledge and skills against job specific competencies to identify development needs and priorities.
• Seek constructive feedback from others and use feedback to develop self.
• Identify areas of strength and develops them further.
• Model professionalism and exemplary behaviours amongst staff.
• Share information, knowledge, experiences and learning with others.
•Identify staff skills gap and determine relevant development programme(s).

• Analytical and Strategic Thinking
• Deciding and Initiating Action
• Teamwork and Partnering
• Communicating Effectively
• Planning and Execution
• Supervision and Accountability
• Innovating and Driving Change
• Delivering Quality Service


Applicants should quote the reference and vacancy circular number and provide the following:
• Detailed and updated Curriculum Vitae.
• Certified copy of the National Identity Card.
• Certified true copies of Certificates (academic and professional). 
• Two (2) recent work related references 
• Date of first appointment, current position, date into current position and salary scale (all applicants).
• Actual salary (either per month or per annum) for all applicants from Parastatals and the Private Sector).

All applications from serving public officers should be routed through their Heads of Departments and Permanent Secretaries. Applications not so routed will not be considered.

Applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements stipulated above will not be responded to.
Applications should be addressed to:

The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
Private Bag BO 199
Closing Date: 14th July 2017

For further information required please contact: Human Resources at Telephone No. 3647951/3647951
Botswana Civil Service Recruitment - Ministry of Environment , July 2017 Botswana Civil Service Recruitment - Ministry of Environment , July 2017 Reviewed by Unknown on 2:33 AM Rating: 5
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