OFFICE SECRETARY - Department of Commercial Enterprises


1.OFFICE SECRETARY - Department of Commercial Enterprises

Vacancy No. 12/2014/2015

1.1.Job Summary 

The successful candidate will be expected to provide secretarial and office support services to the Department of Commercial Enterprises and ensure the cost efficient provision of administrative services to facilitate the achievement of departmental objectives.


•Minimum of Diploma in Secretarial Studies
•A valid drivers license
•2 years personal secretary with office management experience


BOBS offers a competitive and attractive remuneration packages to the most suitable candidates.

A detailed CV, names of (3) referees and certified copies of certificates should accompany applications which should be clearly marked on the envelope the position and vacancy number applied for Electronic applications should strictly be sent under one file/folder containing copies of the required documents. Applicants are also advised to indicate their current salary packages.

Applications should be addressed to:

The Managing Director
Botswana Bureu of Standards
Private Bag BO 48
Plot 55745, Maun Airport Road
Block 8, Gaborone

OR Email to

Tel: 3903200, Fax: 3903120, Toll Free: 0800 600 900

Closing date: 31st October, 2014
Source: The Botswana Gazette Wednesday 22-28 October 2014
OFFICE SECRETARY - Department of Commercial Enterprises OFFICE SECRETARY - Department of Commercial Enterprises Reviewed by Unknown on 2:05 AM Rating: 5
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