UNICEF seeks individuals for short term consultancies in specialized technical areas for fixed duration or specific projects which are considered non-staff functions. On this page you will find a list of current consultancy assignments.
The contract duration varies and a break in service is required after every 11 months of consecutive appointment. Fees are usually indicated and are determined by UN guidelines. Individuals retained for consultancy assignments receive no benefits. Travel is covered only if the terms of reference requires travel for completing the project.
To apply to these assignments, you will need to submit your CV or resume as well as a United Nations Personal History P11 form to the email address indicated in the vacancy announcement. The P11 form can be downloaded here. [Word] Alternatively, if you have maintained a candidate profile in e-Recruitment, you may download that profile and submit it as part of your application.
The contract duration varies and a break in service is required after every 11 months of consecutive appointment. Fees are usually indicated and are determined by UN guidelines. Individuals retained for consultancy assignments receive no benefits. Travel is covered only if the terms of reference requires travel for completing the project.
To apply to these assignments, you will need to submit your CV or resume as well as a United Nations Personal History P11 form to the email address indicated in the vacancy announcement. The P11 form can be downloaded here. [Word] Alternatively, if you have maintained a candidate profile in e-Recruitment, you may download that profile and submit it as part of your application.
- Consultancy assignment: Nutrition Advocacy Specialist in Nairobi, Kenya.
- Consultancy assignment: Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant for the National Safety Net Programme. (Social Protection Secretariat – Ministry of Labour) – UNICEF Kenya Country Office.
- Consultancy assignment: Support to the UNICEF Emergency Response in the area of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and Immunization, Ukraine.
- Consultancy assignment: Pool of Statisticians – Health in NYHQ, USA.
- Consultancy assignment: Web Producer (Off Site/Home Base)
- Consultancy assignment: Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation system of Ministry of Health in Asmara, Eritrea.
- Consultancy assignment: Donor Report Consultant in Niger.
- Consultancy assignment: Disaster Risk Reduction/Resilience Consultant in NYHQ, USA
- Consultancy assignment: Support development of a General Comment on Adolescents by the Committee on the Rights of the Child (Home-based).
- Consultancy assignment: Multimedia Design Specialist in NYHQ, USA.
- Consultancy assignment: Child Poverty and Social Protection Consultant – Evidence and Research in NYHQ, USA.
- Consultancy assignment: Development of Minimum Standards and Checklist for Low Cost Primary Boarding Schools (LCPBS) in Nairobi, Kenya.
- Consultancy assignment: Child Protection Costing Expert Consultant in Nairobi, Kenya.
- Consultancy assignment: Senior Web Project Manager in NYHQ, USA.
- Consultancy assignment: Technical Writer for Developing an Overview/Guidance Document on Social Norms and Gender and Social Equity in Education, NYHQ, USA.
- Consultancy assignment: Writing, Editing and Production of UNICEF Knowledge Exchange Toolbox in NYHQ, USA.
- Consultancy assignment: Develop Microsoft Excel and Access projects in Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Consultancy assignment: Develop C4D (Communication for development) Emergency package for UNICEF Tajikistan Country Office.
- Consultancy assignment: Development of training package to strengthen disability inclusion in governance at the provincial, district and commune levels in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
- Consultancy assignment: Development of global guidance on UNICEF approach to Health Systems Strengthening in NYHQ, USA.
- Consultancy assignment: International Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) Minimum Standards Contextualization for Ministry of Education in Iran.
- Consultancy assignment: Developing country fact sheets on Pneumonia and Diarrhoea using the GAPPD framework in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Consultancy assignment: Digital Analytics and SEO Manager in NYHQ, USA
- Consultancy assignment: Digital Engagement and Marketing Strategist in NYHQ, USA
- Consultancy assignment: Social Marketing Consultant in Ha Noi, Vietnam.
- Consultancy assignment: Evaluation de la situation et impact de la crise sur la Protection des enfants au MALI.
- Consultancy assignment: Senior “Care for Child Development” Training Consultant for training a team of Master Trainers in NYHQ, USA
- Consultancy assignment: Senior Gender and Education, NYHQ, USA
- Consultancy assignment: Technical Writer/Editor in Development Economics, home-based.
- Consultancy assignment: Analysis of Out of School Children in Cambodia.
- Consultancy assignment: Development of a Teacher Training Package on Classroom Management and Positive Discipline, Cambodia.
Consultancy assignments at UNICEF - 10/12/2014
Reviewed by Unknown
10:47 PM