2015-2016 Postdoctoral Fellowships at Ben-Gurion University in Israel

Deadline: 8 March 2015
Open to: Scientists from all over the world
Scholarship:  a yearly fellowship of approximately $26,000 (in Israeli currency), round trip travel fare and free of charge dwelling at the local housing complex. 


Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research is inviting applications for postdoctoral fellowships in topics related to drylands and which include among others: Desert ecology, Solar energy and environmental physics, Architecture and town planning, Rainfed and irrigated agriculture, Hydrology, Aquaculture, Environmental microbiology, Desalination and Water Treatment, and Biotechnology. Candidates should contact prospective supervisors before applying for a fellowship. Fellowships are awarded for research on topics related to drylands and which include among others: Desert ecology, Solar energy and environmental physics, Architecture and town planning, Rainfed and irrigated agriculture, Hydrology, Aquaculture, Environmental microbiology, Desalination and Water Treatment, and Biotechnology. Fellowships are available for pursuing postdoctoral program at Ben-Gurion University.
Applications are invited from candidates interested in conducting postdoctoral research at the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research (BIDR) during the year 2015, for a period of 1-2 years, in topics related to drylands and which include among others: Desert ecology, Solar energy and environmental physics, Architecture and town planning, Rainfed and irrigated agriculture, Hydrology, Aquaculture, Environmental microbiology, Desalination and Water Treatment, and Biotechnology. Fellowships are offered for one to two years.


Candidates should contact prospective supervisors before applying for a scholarship.
  • -Grants are awarded on a competitive basis to candidates that received their Ph.D. degree within the last five years.
  • -The program is open to scientists from all over the world.
  • -The scholarship includes a yearly fellowship of approximately $26,000 (in Israeli currency), round trip travel fare and free of charge dwelling at the local housing complex.
  • -The deadline for applications is March 8th, 2015 and applicants will be notified of the Steering Committee’s decision by May, 2015.
  • -Fellowships are not available to those who received their Ph.D. at BGU.


The scholarship includes a yearly fellowship of approximately $26,000 (in Israeli currency), round trip travel fare and free of charge dwelling at the local housing complex.


Applicants will be notified of the Steering Committee’s decision by May, 2015.
The application deadline is March 8 2015.
In order to apply, register HERE.
For more information please visit the official webpage
2015-2016 Postdoctoral Fellowships at Ben-Gurion University in Israel 2015-2016 Postdoctoral Fellowships at Ben-Gurion University in Israel Reviewed by Unknown on 4:59 AM Rating: 5
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