Title: M&E Consultant
Title of Project: Pan African Comprehensive Sexuality Education Project
As part of Save the Children’s work on preventing the transmission of HIV/AIDS, a large focus has been on increasing children’s resilience to the impact of HIV/AIDS on their lives. Within this we focus on increasing children’s awareness on issues of sexuality education. Save the children will embark on improving children’s access to comprehensive sexuality information and education in sub-Saharan Africa through improving partner organisation capacity to provide comprehensive sexuality information and education (CSI/E) for children and to improve advocacy capacity of partner organisations for children's early access to comprehensive sexuality information and education and SRH/HIV prevention services.
The overall aim of the project is that 340,000 children under 18 years have improved knowledge/safer sexual practices in target countries by 2015.
The project bridging objectives are:
- improved partner organisation capacity to provide comprehensive sexuality information and education (CSI/E) for children by 2015;
- Improved advocacy capacity of partner organisations for children's early access to comprehensive sexuality information and education and SRH/HIV prevention services by 2015.
The expected outcome of the project is children have improved knowledge/safer sexual practices in target countries
The expected project outputs are:
- Training of 105 trainers, 12 master trainers and 12 mentors on comprehensive sexuality education approach completed;
- Post training mentoring and learning support provided for the trainers;
- Training materials, integration toolkit, Information, Education and Communication (IEC) and Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) materials including revision, production and distribution of monitoring and evaluation tools produced and distributed;
- Small grants provided to eligible partner organisations;
- Advocacy skills training provided to partner organizations
- Advocacy strategy established at regional and country levels;
- Coordination between interfaith bodies, civil society and governments improved;
- SRH education component of SADC OVCY minimum package of services rolled out to 4 countries; and
- Prioritisation of children's early access to CSI/E and SRHR by ECOWAS
The contracted consultant is required to submit a detailed consultancy proposal including detailed budget and an activity plan for 43 days based on the deliverables detailed below.
Expected key deliverables:
- Review and of M&E Strategic Plan against Performance Management Framework,
- Quantitative / qualitative definitions (including for reach and services) , agreed upon timelines for data submission/reporting, lines of accountability and data integrity
- Within context of partner assessment mapping of range and geographical reach of services – including referral services
- Review and update partner data collection/monitoring tools (including partner referral forms) to ensure their full alignment to definitions, reach, services
- Roll-out of RBM-aligned M&E tools to partners including assessment how these tools can be accom,modated into their respective M&E systems – to ensure data integrity (incl. timeliness, completeness, quality assurance
- Drafting M&E section of SIDA report (Quarterly)
- Draft training materials on RBM&E training for partners
- Brief new M&E Manager as part of orientation
- Draft a TOR for the Mid Term Review
Essential criteria/Qualifications
Experience and Skills
- Masters Qualification in Social Sciences or Business Administration and Management or Strategic Communication
- Good Knowledge of Human Rights Approach to programming, preferably children’s rights
- A minimum of 10 years professional experience in strategic planning and team building facilitation
- Ability to work under pressure and in a multi-cultural environment
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
- Good written and spoken command of English.
- Sympathy for the purpose and values of Save the Children International
- Sympathy with Save the Children Child Safeguarding Policy and willingness to abide by it.
Duration of the consultancy
The consultancy shall start in May 2014, and finish July 2014. Final report submission in July 2014, inclusive of training tool of M&E for partners. A total of 45 days.
How to apply:
To apply, submit an expression of interest to undertake the assignment with a detailed CV, motivational letter (including your capacity and experience, your daily consultancy fee, and your availability) and an example (3-5) page of reports that you have written for similar assignments. Applications should be received on or before 5th of May 2014.
All applications should be submitted to scijobssa@savethechildren.org
M&E Consultant
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