Senior Investment Promotion Officer

JOB TITLE: Senior Investment Promotion Officer
GRADE: Professional, Level 4 (P4)
SALARY SCALE:    COM$ 51,070 - COM$61,438 per annum plus allowances
DIVISION: Investment Promotion and Private Sector Development
REPORTING TO: Director, Investment Promotion and Private Sector Development
Initiating a series of actions which, when implemented will create a more conducive, environment for investors and allow COMESA to become a Common Investment Area.
Under the direct supervision of the Director of Investment Promotion and Private Sector Development and overall direction of the Assistant Secretary General (Programmes) the incumbent will perform the following duties:
  • Assisting in implementing the provisions of the COMESA Treaty and Protocols relating to Investment in the productive and-service sectors;
  • Assisting member States in promotion of cross border investments;
  • Assisting in the harmonious and balanced development among the member States;
  • Promoting the co-ordination and exchange of experiences among the National Investment Promotion Agencies;
  • Assisting the development of mechanisms for attracting investment capital into the region;
  • Assisting member States in the promotion of a conducive and enabling environment for investment;
  • Assisting in development of programmes for capacity -building;
  • Assisting in promoting the region as a destination for investment;
  • Keep abreast with changes taking place at the World Trade Organisation, and other multi-lateral agencies, in the area of investment policy (including intellectual property rights) and analyse the effects these proposals will have on investment in the region; and
  • Carry out any other related tasks that maybe assigned from time to time by his/her superior.
A Master’s degree in Banking or Economics or Business Administration. A Ph.D. in any of the above areas would be an added advantage.
A minimum of ten (10) years’ experience working in the Private Sector or an agency dealing with investment issues (such as a National Investment Centre) or both.
Must be fluent in English and/or French and/or Arabic (speaking and writing). A combination of any two or all of these languages will be an added advantage.
Applicants must be citizens of COMESA Member States.
Applications MUST be submitted through the Coordinating Ministries of the respective member States on the prescribed COMESA APPLICATION FORM which can be accessed on the COMESA website:,
Applications submitted directly to the Secretariat will not be considered and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Accordingly, short-listing reports from the Coordinating Ministries attaching all the relevant documents of the successful candidates should reach the address below by Friday, 27th June, 2014:
The Director of Administration
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
COMESA Centre,
Ben Bella Road,
P.O Box 30051,
Senior Investment Promotion Officer Senior Investment Promotion Officer Reviewed by Unknown on 10:36 AM Rating: 5
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